IEEE P1782
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Revision Standard – Active – Draft.Electric power system reliability remains an important societal issue. Transmission disturbances draw national attention and scrutiny, but service interruptions at the distribution level are the primary concern of end-use customers and their regulatory and governmental representatives. Much effort has been expended on developing methods to uniformly and consistently quantify the reliability of distribution service based on distribution grida??s performance. This guide discusses the collection, categorization, and use of information related to electric power distribution interruption events. This guide, when used in combination with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Std 1366, promotes consistency in how the industry collects data for the purpose of benchmarking distribution system performance
Product Details
- ISBN(s):
- 9781504485098
- Number of Pages:
- 115
- File Size:
- 1 file , 3.9 MB
- Product Code(s):
- STDUD25293
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Belarus, Russia